FAQs about YEELERY Birthstone Rings

FAQs about YEELERY Birthstone Rings

Birthstones hold special significance as they are believed to symbolize different qualities and attributes, bringing luck, protection, and healing to those who wear them. Each birthstone is associated with a...
Karen Pan


If you had to pick one December birthstone, which would it be: tanzanite, turquoise or zircon? From the blue to bluish purple of tanzanite, to the intense blue and green...
Eason Liu
Tagged: Birthstones
Top 9 Non Diamond Engagement Rings

Top 9 Non Diamond Engagement Rings

The rules that you need to purchase a diamond-centered engagement ring are not set in stone. There are more than a few non-diamond rings that you should consider for your...
Tagged: Birthstones
Kashmir sapphire gemstone

Kashmir sapphire gemstone

In 1890, Tom D. LaTouche, Deputy Director of the Geological Survey of India, wrote that the "Kashmir sapphire" was discovered almost by accident. He recalled meeting a man who told...
Eason Liu
Tagged: Birthstones
Yeelery Story - Chopard Flora Black Opal Ring

October Birthstone Opal

"Opal is an amorphous silica gemstone containing water, mainly composed of silicon dioxide and water (SiO2-nH2O), and is also known as opal, opal, and shimmering cloud. Opal, with its fascinating...
Eason Liu
Tagged: Birthstones
Valentine's Day Gift Tips : Birthstones

Valentine's Day Gift Tips : Birthstones

Birthstones are said to be associated with the twelve cornerstones of the Bible, the twelve jewels of the breastplate, the twelve angels of Islam, and the legend of the twelve...
YL Jewel